SO excited to announce NIKDREAMER will be at LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL Market in the Alley this year!! It’s been five years since I attended my first LIB as an attendee. This time will be a whole new experience I can’t wait to share with you! Booth will be set up from 2pm to 9pm, September 20th - 22nd in the Fergusons Downtown’s Market In the Alley location.


Manitou Incline

Happy Spring, Colorado! The snow is finally melting and I’m getting out of my winter hibernation. This past week I adventured to Manitou Springs to experience the incline for my first time. Had no idea what I was getting myself into! 2,744 steps, 2,000 feet in elevation from top to bottom. One mountain climb I’ll never forget. As I climbed the first 1,000 steps I kept thinking this isn’t that bad, not realizing I wasn’t even half way there. The incline looks deceiving as your climbing because you keep looking up thinking you’re almost there yet there are still hundreds of stairs in front of you. I felt like the suns energy behind me kept pushing me to keep going. I kept getting so distracted and found myself stopping to take a photo of the sun every time I turned around because it just kept getting more beautiful as I was climbing higher and higher on the mountain. I’ve never experienced such beauty in a sunrise like this. If you’re planning to do the incline I highly suggest doing it before 8am. Photos don’t even capture the true beauty and intensity of this experience. Definitely one for the books.

Almost ready to do it again!

safe places and sacred spaces

Last week was a very powerful new moon. Usually on new moons I stay to myself, journal and write out my intentions for the month but on this new moon I was called to a ceremony to share my intentions in a group. I’ve never been to a therapy session before but I feel attending rituals and sacred spaces like this is my therapy. I need to be seeking these places more often. For me it’s a place I can go with no judgement or insecurities holding me back from being my true self. In this space I feel grounded and connected with like minded souls where I can speak my truth via chanting mantras, singing, meditation, prayer, and sharing stories, etc. and feel my vibration instantly rise. Sometimes even pushing me outside my comfort zone. When doing this I have always found I learn something new about myself or pick up on a new perspective. When I leave this space I feel fulfilled, clear headed, and reconnected to all that I am.

I have always been very spiritual being. I would say it wasn’t until 2013 when I really began my spiritual journey that is when I attended my first reiki session. That was my first time I felt the energy of crystals and spiritual healing. I’m still learning so much along the way about my spirituality as this journey unfolds. People always ask what my religious beliefs are and my only answer is I am constantly evolving and changing. I don’t think I need to be confined in one set belief system. I feel like a lot of that has to do with the Sagittarius in me. I love nothing more than immersing myself in different belief systems, religions, cultures that challenge my current views on life.

At a deeper level, the sign of Sagittarius is connected with the nature of belief. Part of the journey toward greater levels of experience also involves broadening the mind. By comparing and contrasting different ideas, philosophies, belief systems or cultures, Sagittarians gain new arenas in which to roam.

One of my tarot cards that I pulled on this new moon night was called “sacred spaces.” And it got me thinking about what makes a space sacred? The card read, “ You connect with the symbols and energy that have been infused with meaning and prayer. Don’t take these symbols lightly, for they are very powerful. When you connect with sacred symbols you help your inner sanctity find a home in the outer world. You also tap in to the ancient wisdom and spiritual grace of the old ways.”

I only know the feeling of what I believe makes a space sacred and for me it’s a place I go to feel connected, one that feels like home, a safe place. One of my intentions I set on this new moon is to share more of my personal story. So I guess that’s what brought me here to write this post. I’ve always been an open book but at the same time I am very private with things that are personal to me. Its been a struggle of mine to fully let down my guard and let people in my personal space and heart. When I get in these “safe spaces” I don’t have any guards up. So I’d like to make this more of my safe space, a place that I can share and connect with others without judgement. You will see more blogs and vlogs from me in this upcoming year that share more about the personal things I enjoy and the journey behind the jewels. I have no idea what this upcoming month will bring but I feel a lot of change and high energy coming from this harvest moon. I’m looking forward to it all!

Thank you Ceremony Healing for sharing this beautiful sacred space and hosting the new moon rose bath ceremony. It was exactly what I needed.

Denver and life update

I've been living in Denver for a little over a year and a half now. I still have a love/hate for this city. I'm not sure if it's just "Denver" or Colorado as a whole, I just haven't been able to attach myself fully enough to make it a place I call home. I've been living in a small one bedroom apartment in downtown Denver in a neighborhood called Five Points. I will say living in a complex is not a good fit for roman (my pup) and I. I sometimes feel like i'm re-living my college dorm lifestyle with loud partying neighbors, doors that slam all around me, and bowling balls that sound like they're being dropped on the floors above me. Not having a patio or back yard space is huge for us. And our front stoop is not an ideal place to hang out. Not to mention we only get an hour of sunlight that peeks through our window each day. One of Roman's favorite things to do is lay in the sun so I feel his struggle wandering around the house looking for a spot to lay. Working from home is also hard for me in the daytime because there is no natural light that shines through. I need more light. City life has been heavy. 

I try and change my mindset in times when I get lonely, sad, or depressed in my apartment and be grateful to be able to rent out my own spot in a city so many would love to live. Many times I question should I have moved here? It took a lot out of me to move to a city and start from scratch without knowing anyone. I literally sold everything I had to make the move possible and am so proud to say I moved myself and Roman on my own in one jeep full of things.

So when I ask the question should I have moved? The answer will always be yes. I've learned so much about myself in these last 20 months than I had in all of my 20's as a whole. I learned to love myself for the very first time. Spend time with myself. Want to take myself out on dates. Honor myself, mind and body, and the space of those I share my energy with. Some may call this selfish behavior but I have no reason to apologize. It is what I needed. The purpose of me being in Denver was not to create and grow my business which is what I have come to realize. My purpose for being here was to learn how to live on my own and be with myself in a space that wasn't driven by bad habits or using the energy of others for my happiness. My purpose for being here was to sit still for a while, quiet the mind, get out of the chaos, live in the moment, and find happiness within. Putting in the time for grounding, meditating, healing, journaling, and figuring out who I am and what I want out of life is what this year has been about. I am finally learning to love myself first, and yes there are still moments where I don't show myself the love I need and as soon as that happens I feel out of alignment and I immediately figure out what I need to do for myself to realign. 

Denver will always be this place in my heart that helped me grow and heal. I needed this time and space to share with only myself. My lease is coming to an end late November, just a few months away and I am so excited to begin a new journey. I feel stronger and braver than I ever have in my life. I am extremely grateful for all those who have crossed my path. I have made a handful of friends that I will stay connected to forever. Isn't that the best part of life anyway? It really doesn't matter what city we are in, it's the connections we make on our journey that last a life time. Heart is full and ready for this new eclipse season. Share some feedback if this resonates for you. Sometimes life gets lonely and I know many of you are out there feeling this way too.

Here's a few of my favorite moments in Denver these past few months. Mountains, adventures, road trips, vintage, gems, jewels, live music, art, yoga and tacos are always in my alignment:)

the golden hour of light in my apartment

the golden hour of light in my apartment

lunar eclipses and mountain escapes of summer

lunar eclipses and mountain escapes of summer

thrifting for inspo

thrifting for inspo

national margarita day and taco dates

national margarita day and taco dates

brunch at onefold

brunch at onefold

MCA visits

MCA visits

being a karma yogi intern

being a karma yogi intern

any day I get to explore out of the city.

any day I get to explore out of the city.



Earthship Taos

A month ago when I was booking an Airbnb for Taos, I came across the earthship tiny house. I had never heard of "earthships" before and had no idea the head quarters of earthship biotecture is located in Taos, New Mexico. So glad this adventure crossed our path and we were able to stay and experience life in this inspiring community. For those of you who hadn't heard of them either, earthships are self-sustaining homes made from natural and recycled materials, pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds. Check out this documentary I found on youtube to learn more. They even have an academy at their head quarters in Taos that teaches you how to make your own earthship. These communities seem to be popping up more and more all over the world. I seriously can't stop thinking about how rad it would be to live in one. We enjoyed our two night stay very much. We even brought our own food and cooked in one of the nights. Cooked, showered, and lived just like in any home. Except the coolest part is everything is self sufficient - . Thank you tiny house Earthship for sharing the experience with us! 

Bestie road trip New Mexico

You might remember my college bestie Erika from past blogs adventures in Denver, Zion, and Sedona! This year our trip was a lil more spontaneous which I say always make for the best adventures. Last year when she visited we explored Denver and Boulder, this year we took it to the road. Taos is one that has been on my list I had never been and New Mexico was a new state for her.  

We drove in to Taos on a Saturday, it's about a 4 1/2 hour drive from Denver which went by so fast! Of course Roman the pup came along for the adventure. We stayed right outside Taos in the community of Earthships, which was such an inspiring experience - post to follow. We got in later that day so we came prepared to cook dinner in that night in our mother ship. On Sunday we took the road trip down to Santa Fe for the day. I had been a few summers ago with my family but it had been awhile. It was so nice to get back for a visit.  That town is so beautiful with all the old buildings, streets, art, galleries, culture, churches, and turquise! I feel like it has got to be one of the cleaniest capital cities in the states.  I knew my around pretty good so we made our rounds to some of Sante Fe's best in a day including tacos at Tia Sophia's, the miraculous staircase at loretto chapel, Palace of the Governors Native American market, and a few stop in the shops/galleries throughout the city. Roman ended up eating a chili pepper off the ground on the streets and having a sneezing fit so that was a little side track in our adventure. He was okay after some water, love and care. If it's not him getting sick off tacos (like he did last time in Albuquerque) it's chili peppers - adventures in New Mexico with roman (should be it's own post). 

We made it back to Taos Sunday night for a night out at the Taos Mesa Brewing. This place was so FUN! I highly recommend this spot for a visit if you like beer, good eats, live music and dancing. For a sunday night, this place surprised us well. We got veggie burgers, sweet potato fries, drinks, and got to watch the live band while we ate. There was so many couples that came out that night with their dancing shoes on.. it seems like it was the local night out for them. I adored watching them all two-step in their cowboy boots. I posted a little video on my instragram here:)

Next post up will be from our Airbnb experience and exploring the lands of earthships

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Winter break in Los Angeles

California is ALWAYS a good idea.

Every time I go to California whether its San Diego, LA, or San Francisco I always have the best of times. I don't ever imagine myself living in LA but I LOVE to visit. This past visit I went to house/pup sit for my friend Serena and her fiance who spent the week in Italy planning their wedding for this fall! I had the pleasure to watch Marv the pup while they were away and stay in their beautiful home in the hollywood hills. Roman of course came with, and the two of them became instant wolfpup BFFs. They actually even have such similar features, i feel like they're related some where along the line:)  My sister and her pup Luna also came for some visits as well who looks like the third cousin. We couldn't have asked for better winter weather. Most of the days were sunny and warm, and there were a few grey/rainy cooler days which I enjoyed very much.

I have to say the highlight of my visit (year to date!) was going to lunch and seeing Florence Welch walk in and sit two tables away from me. I sat through lunch with my sister trying to not stare but if you know me at all that was so hard to do. She's been one of my top inspiring lady goddess of all time. At the end of the lunch I passed her on my way out and was so drawn to her, that I had to stop and tell her how she's inspired me as an artist. I then gifted her with one of my jewels from the new collection I had on that day. She welcomed me to her table and was so humbly sweet. We talked about the my jewelry and gemstones I use and where I find them. She asked if she could gift me in return, and then took out a pen and paper and drew me the ring I gifted her on her hand. That whole moment felt like I dreamt it. Still can't believe that happened. A moment in time I will never forget, and now I have the drawing to always remember. Thank you Florence, and thank you Los Angeles (Lalaland) you are always so dreamy. 

the wolf pack

the wolf pack

Venice Canals Walkway

Venice Canals Walkway

Building aesthetics at Venice Beach

Building aesthetics at Venice Beach

The double crescent warrior ring via Florence. Xx

The double crescent warrior ring via Florence. Xx

Marv the pup

Marv the pup

Roman the pup

Roman the pup

Ivy at the shore, Santa Monica

Ivy at the shore, Santa Monica

Wild Taco, Newport Beach

Wild Taco, Newport Beach

Newport Beach Pier

Newport Beach Pier

Overcast walks on the bench

Overcast walks on the bench

Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Pier

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