Its been awhile since I came on here and shared a post.
I sometimes can’t believe how fast a year passes by. This year has been one of those, with non stop adventure years. Last I updated I just had launched my new collection, Slate. One week after I launched this line, I had a minor accident on my motorcycle and thought I was done riding forever. Thankfully I wasn’t injured, I just had some bruising and done a bit of damage to my Street Bob.
It took a little over a month to get my bike fixed and back on the road. During that time I had done a lot of thinking. Should I give up this passion because the accident and I know the danger it can bring? Or should I overcome this fear that grown, get back on, and learn how to confidently ride this machine.
I cannot even imagine my year if I chose a different road. My bike has brought so much joy in to my life, I can’t even put in words. The miles I’ve rode, the people i’ve met, the opportunities that have come my way, the freedom its brought, and places i’ve gone. Not to mention the fun! I would say the turning point for me was my ride to Durango, CO for In~Cahoots that changed my riding completely. I wouldn’t say I was one hundred percent ready to ride this ride, but I would 100 percent say this ride gave me the confidence that I needed to continue my journey in riding.
When I look back at where I was in April to where I am now, I can’t even believe it. I still say I’m a new rider, and when others I just meet say to me you would never know it I feel so grateful for this journey and all my riding friends that have mentored me along the way. I wouldn’t be as who I am as a rider without their teachings and patience riding beside me. I’m still learning new riding skills and practicing every day. It’s a never ending journey with this bike and I’m in it for the long run!