Earthship Taos

A month ago when I was booking an Airbnb for Taos, I came across the earthship tiny house. I had never heard of "earthships" before and had no idea the head quarters of earthship biotecture is located in Taos, New Mexico. So glad this adventure crossed our path and we were able to stay and experience life in this inspiring community. For those of you who hadn't heard of them either, earthships are self-sustaining homes made from natural and recycled materials, pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds. Check out this documentary I found on youtube to learn more. They even have an academy at their head quarters in Taos that teaches you how to make your own earthship. These communities seem to be popping up more and more all over the world. I seriously can't stop thinking about how rad it would be to live in one. We enjoyed our two night stay very much. We even brought our own food and cooked in one of the nights. Cooked, showered, and lived just like in any home. Except the coolest part is everything is self sufficient - . Thank you tiny house Earthship for sharing the experience with us!