I'm setting another intention this year and that is to blog more. I used to love blogging before I started jewel making, just as I did cooking. I really want to start getting back in to these things I enjoy more this year especially being new to a city and having the time and space to share the experience here with you. To start I'm going to bring back my weekly 7 simple things post. When I began my blog (..in 2007. wow. time .is. scary) I started a tradition of capturing 7 little moments in my week that make me happy here.
As I'm new to Denver and really haven't seen much here yet because its been so cold and snowy, I will say when I do leave my house it's always a good time. This little city seems to have many hidden gems to explore. Although I do wonder why the universe moved me here in the winter.. I remember now why I hate winters. But when the sun does come out it's actually beautiful weather. Looking forward to sharing more weekly posts with you and hoping the sun stays out a little longer on these days from here on out. Here's my top 7 things from life so far in Denver. The first two are from the same place because I loved this museum so much. Put it on your list if you're visiting Denver.
Crystal Caves transported from Mexico - Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Couldn't get enough of this place. - Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Happy hours with city views - Avanti
Taking a desert pup into 6 degree winter. Not a fan of winters or his winter wardrobe. - Denver, CO
Finding GF bakeries in walking distance - Beet box
Living in Five Points - the Denver Central Market