Things have been so chaotic trying to catch up to business and life after being on the road this summer. When I'm not on the bench, in the garage working, or running errands around town I've been taking over my kitchen table as my work desk for the last month now. Not the most ideal.. but I guess these things happen when you work from home. The dream is to move out of house in to a studio space devoted to Nikdreamer.. but we're not there just yet. So in the meantime my goal this fall is to re-organize and create with the space I have, the dream studio! I thought it would be fun to share my pinterest boards and ideas in this one space - to get my inspiration and motivation running for creating this new space. And feel free to share pins with me - I'd love to see your work space and inspo!
current situation..
everything about this is the dream. space.
I've always wanted to do this DIY photo collage for my instagram photos.
studio seating via petite passport
Table full of cacti and little reminders, some things take time.
Maybe this would avoid those hours wasted looking for my tools..
workshop must-have.
someday... #dreambigger
Photos via Pinterest and/or credited. If you are an author, please email me to add your credit. Thank you.