8 cities. 20 days. The summer adventures in the RV started here. The first 3 days on the road we made it through Flagstaff and Albuquerque. Of course I would have loved to stay in both these cities longer then just a day but they were only quick stops for us on the road. I had been to Flagstaff a few years prior and this time was just for a late afternoon and one night stop. I think what I enjoy most about this town is that it reminds me of Woodstock, NY where I visited a lot to when I lived in NY. Flagstaff does not feel like Arizona at all with all the green, trees, and cooler temperatures. It was nice to get out of the desert heat. When we started our travels that morning it was 90 degrees at 8am in Vegas. Flagstaff temperature was in the low 70s. I got to enjoy my first hot coffee of the summer in Flagstaff at Fire Creek cafe which was located off route 66, also located right next to my favorite crystal shop called Crystal Magic. For dinner we ate the Black bart's steakhouse. The only restaurant I've ever been to where the wait staff sing and dance on stage during your meal. They all are students at a local art/music performance school which made for a very interesting atmosphere to eat in. I enjoyed it, and of course the steak and wine. The next morning we left early for Albuquerque. Oh, Albuquerque. I wish I could have stayed longer. I LOVED this town (I think even more than Santa Fe) but I only got to spend one day here. We went into old town that evening, where I had the best enchillada dish at La Placita. The people I met here in this town were so friendly and every corner was full of turquoise and old pawn shops. I did pick out some sweet turquoise gems during this short visit. Quite overwhelmed with the amount of turquoise and jewels the city hoards. I will get back to this city soon, if I don't end up moving there sooner. Seriously add this one to the list... Next stop was Santa Fe - post to follow.
Only pic I got from RV park in Flagstaff, AZ.