Tucson Gem Show

This show was incredible. I've been to other gem shows before, but nothing like this. If you are a jewelry designer or gem/mineral collector, you must go to this show! I couldn't even describe in words the energy I felt when I entered this little city in southern Arizona. I drove to Arizona just for the weekend and stayed at my parents house in Scottsdale, so I only had one full day to spend in Tucson. In that day I only made my way through three of the forty shows. I didn't even make it to the main event show room, but the shows I did go to were all amazing. Most of the hotels in Tucson close down for the first couple weeks in February for this event, and all the vendors showcase their gemstones in different rooms at the hotel. I was literally in gem heaven! Cannot wait to share with you all the gems I picked out to be made into jewels. Spring cannot come fast enough! Enjoy the little slideshow I made of the show.