i try and keep my blog as honest and real to me, for this is the space i've created over the years that shares a lot of my personal life and adventures. this space is very special to me and i thank all who come and visit. those of you who know me, and from what i've shared the past few months, you know this move has not been the easiest transition. i am still that 20 something year old running wild, learning so much about myself every day and trying to figure this "life" thing out. i truly believe you have to take chances in this life and never be afraid of adventures or change. everyday people ask me, why vegas?? why did i move cross country to las vegas? my reply is always the same, why not? i'm still so young.. who knows what's next or what tomorrow will bring, but living in the adventure is so much better than doing nothing. i hope if anything my story inspires all to always follow your heart and dreams. i am very much looking forward to the upcoming months, and what they will bring. i can only hope for the best and at the end of the day.. at least i can always say my heart is true and full of love.
photo credit//weheartit.com