The full moon smudging kit
The full moon smudging kit
The full moon smudging kit includes one white sage smudge stick, one abalone shell, feather bundle, and one selenite stick. It's one of my rituals on every full moon to do a cleansing for my crystals, gems, home and work space. The cleansing ritual is used to rid a space or home of unwanted, sometimes referred to as negative energies.
It can be performed as many times as necessary until you feel you have obtained the pure, clean feeling of a positive atmosphere. This kit is all you will need.
Along with sage, selenite sticks can be used extensively to clear and charge other crystals and stones. This can be done at any time. It is best to have your selenite stick next to your bed and at the end of day place your gems or jewels you've been wearing on it. The stick lays flat, so you can place the gemstones or jewels right on top as shown in last photo. Feel free to contact me with any questions.