The adventure dreamcatcher keychain
The adventure dreamcatcher keychain
The adventure dreamcatcher keychain is perfect for any dreamer to carry with on adventures. If I don't have mine attached to my keys, it's hanging along side me on the road.
A lil more about the dreamcatcher:
Dream interpretation has directly influenced Native American cultural and spiritual beliefs for centuries. American Indians believe dreams influence the conscious soul of the dreamer, oftentimes acting as a means for change in personality traits such as confidence, maturity, kindness, and loyalty. Dreamcatchers are an authentic American Indian tradition, from the Ojibway (Chippewa) tribe. The Ojibwe people believed that the dreamcatcher would alter a person’s dreams by protecting the sleeper from negative dreams by catching bad dreams inside its web and allowing good dreams to filter through the center hole and descend down the feathers to the dreamer. The slightest movement of the feathers would indicate the passage of another beautiful dream. Bad dreams however were trapped in the web and would be burned off by the morning sun.